Monday, June 27, 2011

Vancouver knitting workshop: Nov.11-13, 2011

Hello knitters,

Just want to let you know the West Coast Knitters Guild has organized a workshop [in Vancouver] with Donna Druchunas, a well known knitting instructor and writer. Various types of classes will be held over 3 days during the long weekend in November ~ Nov.11-13, 2011.

I was not able to attach the information document due to its size (it's only 5 pages, but it bounced the e-mail). I have a copy at my desk and will send it to anyone that's interested. You can also try to access it through the West Coast Knitters Guild website:

To find out more about Donna - here is a link to her website:

There is an early bird registration discount until July 5th.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks, EM

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